Saturday 13 September 2008

More Chatsworth for Scots fans.

It took so long last night to load the video of the first of the pipe bands to arrive in the ring that I gave up and went to bed! This is a video of all the bands present at the fair at Chatsworth marching together - no mean feat when they come from all over the UK and haven't practised together.

If you are not Scots bagpipe and drum fans you will just have to skip this blog! The poor things were caught in the most torrential downpour and in the second video you will see how black the sky is as the last of the bands leave the ring and in the background are the Household Cavalry horses waiting to do their last performance of the day.

We really felt for them and it was quite dangerous as the ground was saturated with water splashing up as the hooves hit the ground, but they carried on. They are used to worse in the army I suppose when on training exercises. At least they weren't being shot at.

Today is sunny and the leaves are turning and autumn is upon us. Nic is sorting his lambs who were weaned last week - to the relief of their mothers. There was a bit of bleating as darkness fell on the first night from the more clingy lambs but not a sound from the mothers - sheep are better than us humans at knowing when to kick their offspring out into the world alone.

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